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We Have Permission podcast

Nov 14, 2023

This final stage of developing a personal mission requires your creative initiative. Your final hurdle is overcoming the paralysis of potential failure. To effectively live out the ongoing experiment that is your personal mission, it’s essential to adopt an attitude of play.

Nov 14, 2023

 In time, your personal mission will likely produce dynamic results you didn’t foresee. More and more people will begin to join in, creating a contagious aspiration of kingdom movement. That’s when you’ll know you’re living in the mystery and power of a spiritual fire you could never pull off on your own....

Nov 14, 2023

Anytime we align ourselves with God, we need to understand that his ways are often not our ways. We must look beyond the acceptance of the established order that surrounds us. In order to develop a personal mission that is in step with the life Jesus modeled; you will likely feel out of step with the patterns you have...

Nov 14, 2023

Once you are launched in a meaningful and long-lasting direction, both character and intentionality are required to persevere as you explore your personal mission. To remain on the front lines, you will need to resist succumbing to the blandness of conditioned volunteerism. This requires developing holy valor within.

Nov 14, 2023

The start of any journey is fun and exciting, but without a big dream as your compass, it won’t be long until it feels like you’ve left the harbor only to be blown off course by the winds of adversity. To counter aimless drift, you need a dream big enough to set your course on a lifelong trajectory. In part...